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Proposing Transactions

Proposing Transactions

Command Description
propose [options] propose a transaction
loadProposal [options] load a Proposal from file
getTransfers [options] show transfers

ledgerswarm propose

ledgerswarm help propose


ledgerswarm propose -af Alice -at Bob -pf ANTBANK -pt ANTBANK -df TRANQUILITY -dt TRANQUILITY -A USD -am 11

This will propose a transer of 11 USD from Alice to Bob at ANTBANK on the TRANQUILITY domain. The command will prompt for a manifest id and a transfer id.


ledgerswarm propose -af Alice -at Bob -pf ANTBANK -pt ANTBANK -df TRANQUILITY -dt TRANQUILITY -A USD -am 11 -f usdtest

This will write a proposal to a local file which can then be submitted using loadProposal. The command will prompt for a manifest id and a transfer id and, if the file alread exists, ask if you would like to add the transfer to the already saved proposal. This allows the user to build up a collection of transfers which can then be submitted as an atomic proposal.


ledgerswarm loadProposal

ledgerswarm help loadProposal


ledgerswarm loadProposal -f usdtest


ledgerswarm getTransfers

ledgerswarm help getTransfers


ledgerswarm getTransfers

ledgerswarm getTransfers -d table