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Settlement Routes

Settlement Routes

Command Description
getRoutes [options] list all the external settlement routes
setRoutes [options] list all the external settlement routes
deleteRoutes [options] delete an external settlement routes

A route defines where the participant settles external transactions for a particular instrument. LedgerSwarm uses routes to create a settlement path between any two accounts on any ledger. It does this by iteratively following the routes from the sender and from the receiver until it finds a common or connecting ledger between the two accounts.

Each route comprises an instrument, a regular expression which it will match against an account and an external account. An external account is defined by a domain, a participant and an account.

ledgerswarm getRoutes

ledgerswarm help getRoutes


ledgerswarm getRoutes -d table


ledgerswarm setRoutes

ledgerswarm help setRoutes


ledgerswarm setRoutes -d TRANQUILITY -p CENTRAL -a ACC_ANTBANK -A BRL -m '/.*/'


ledgerswarm deleteRoutes

ledgerswarm help deleteRoutes


Run getRoutes without -d table option to see the route id's.

ledgerswarm getRoutes
ledgerswarm deleteRoutes -i 10